How to find Wines & Spirits Distributors in Taïwan in less than 12 months ?

This secret technique is used by 100% of the producers in your area who succeed in export sales to importers and distributors in Taïwan.

Average export sales results

You don't need Trade Fairs

You may have thought about trade shows in Taiwan but: you have to pay for the show, transportation, hotel, spend time. You don’t speak the language, you don’t know the distributors, you’re not there all year long to follow up on the prospects and finalize the sales. You have to come back every year and sometimes wait several years to get a first sale.

Trade shows are a good complement when you are already exporting in the country to build loyalty among your importers and distributors: they are not essential.

The secret method is much better than trade fairs for high figures sales during the first year and to reach 1 million or more within 3 years on average, read how =>

What is the secret Process ?

The secret winning process that guarantees the success of all your export competitors is the following:
– meeting distributors 365 days / year (just 2 days during a trade show)
– year-round physical presence with importers and buyers
– speaking the local language
– knowing the local market (including taste and preferences)
– use winning techniques that works for your competitors (tested)
– many other secrets to be the best export company from your area

You think this cost a lot of money ? it’s difficult ? almost impossible ?

=> I’ll show you why the secret method can cost next to nothing, how you can hack it so that it doesn’t take you any time at all while using all the secret techniques of the top exporters and achieving 10x, 20x, 50x or 100x higher sales volumes than your competitors who do trade shows or use other methods. 

Export figures by selling channel

Listen: imagine a world where you can expand your business into Taïwan with ease and without any hassle. With the secret process, you can have new long-term distributors and importers in Taïwan, giving you a high and better value for your company. Not only that, but you will also gain recognition from your employees and partners for your company’s success!

Moreover, imagine that you can achieve much better export sales figures in Taiwan than your competitors from your area. The best part is that you don’t need to travel, spend lots of money, or spend time for this job. You don’t even need to know the local market or speak the language. Our process removes all the stress and complex problem-solving involved in expanding your business into a new market.

You can enjoy the security and insurance that the results will be optimized and cannot be better with any other technique. Benefit from other companies’ experiences and past tests that have succeeded. With this secret process, you can provide a huge amount of money to your company, even more than expected, maybe 20 times more, 50 times more or 100 times more.

It sounds too good and impossible?

99.99% of other producers think so, and that’s why they are not successful.

0.01% use this secret method: they are running 92% of the world’s export sales and earning billions.

Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out. Robert Collier

Up to 10 million in 3 years for the largest wines & spirits producers

Success Sales Figures 3 first years

Success for You

Regardless of the size of your company, the price of your products, their number, etc.: this secret allows you to earn huge amounts of money.

The best ones easily become the best exporters to Taiwan from their country or origin area.

First Sales x10 Faster !

The first sales are on average x10 much faster than any other sales methods.

The value of first sales is also 3x, 10x or 50x higher thanks to our secret techniques. (not mandatory, but we propose to our partners to use them if they wish for very important sales in value).

Our process is unique and ultra powerful: a bit like this sales page 😉 This is the only key to your guaranteed export success.

rocket your wine